
Syracuse University features a wide array of entrepreneurial curricula, incubators, business launchpads, and competitions. The Invent@SU invention accelerators expand and augment the University’s entrepreneurial ecosystem with hands-on opportunities for students to design and prototype device inventions. Our generous sponsors make it possible for us to provide a truly transformational experience for student inventors at SU.

2024 Sponsorships are still available!

2024 Program Sponsor

Michael Lazar

2024 Partner Sponsor

Lyons Family Foundation

2024 Team Sponsor

Ralph Folz

We would like to extend a special thank you to Bill and Penny Allyn for sponsoring multiple years since 2017

Are you interested in supporting Invent@SU? Contact Amy Gullotta at asgullot@syr.edu or Kelly Venturini at kaventur@syr.edu.